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Lakeside-Fishing Rules
All anglers must stay within the perimeter of the lakes and car park
Members must be 18 years of age or older
Gates must be kept locked at all times
Maximum of 2 rods per person
An Environment Agency Rod Licence must be held and kept with you at all times
Barbless only
All fish caught must be returned to the water alive
Unhooking mats must be used be used at all times
No keep nets
No Tiger Nuts
No Fixed Leads
No wading
Tackle must be withdrawn from water if unattended
Noise and light to a minimum while night fishing
All litter must be taken home and not left
No dogs (unless authorised) No firearms are permitted
Vehicles MUST stay on the hard standing surfaces at all times
Do not park on grass - only allowed if its a dry summer - or else you will get stuck
Members may bring one guest. Guests must be over the age of 18 unless authorised and a guest pass must be purchased prior to fishing. Maximum of 2 rods per guest. All the above rules apply to guests.
Members guest must fish close by.
Guests are the responsibility of the member who brought them
The facilities must be respected and left in the way they have been found
A small BBQ is permitted - but not to be placed directly on the grass
All the above rules apply to guests
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